Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

The Anglican Diocese of Brisbane is based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The diocesan bishop's seat is St John's Cathedral, Brisbane. The diocese stretches from the south-eastern coastline of Queensland, down to the New South Wales border, and west to the Northern Territory and South Australian borders. The diocese currently markets itself as "Anglican Church Southern Queensland" (ACSQ).

In April 2017, The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse released a report titled “Analysis of Complaints of Child Sexual Abuse Received by Anglican Church Dioceses in Australia” which showed that the Anglican Church Diocese of Brisbane received the highest number of complaints being a total of 371 complaints (33% of all complaints). The Royal Commission report also showed that the highest number of complaints relating to schools were received by the Diocese of Brisbane who received 173 complaints, representing 47 per cent of all complaints received by the Diocese of Brisbane. The Diocese of Brisbane requires all Anglican schools within the diocese to report complaints of child sexual abuse to the diocese. Consequently, the number of complaints reported by this diocese in relation to schools is higher than those dioceses that require either some or alternatively none of the Anglican schools in their diocese to report complaints of child sexual abuse to the diocese. In relation to CEBS complaints, the Diocese only received 16, making it only 4% of the complaints received by the Diocese.

The Diocese has been the notorious for the systematic child sexual abuse by known perpetrators Kevin Lynch ( counsellor/teacher at Brisbane Grammar School and St.Paul’s School), Gregory Knight (music teacher at St Paul’s School), and John Elliot (lay leader in CEBS and a later member of the clergy in the Diocese).

Moody Law has represented and is still representing clients who were victims of child sexual abuse in institutions and schools run by the Diocese of Brisbane and in other dioceses belonging to the Anglican Church of Australia.

We invite former victims to tell us confidentially what information they may have, and we will explain what options are available to help with these cases.

Call us or complete the confidential enquiry form below.