Saint Augustine's College

Saint Augustine’s College, known locally as "Saints", is a Catholic boys' high school in Parramatta Park, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. The College houses boarders both from its own students and girls from Saint Monica's High School, also in Cairns. The School was established in 1930 by the Marist Brothers. Initially there were three Marist brothers and 96 students.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse indicated that like many other Marist schools around Australia, Saint Augustine’s College has not been immune from allegations of child sexual abuse. In fact, various Marist Brothers who have taught or served at the College have been charged and sentenced over allegations involving child sexual abuse. These include Brother Gregory Carter; Brother Raymond Foster; Brother Geoffrey Veness and Brother Ross Francis Murrin. Brother Foster was accused of and charged in 1999 with abusing a student at Chanel College in the 1970s. Before going to court, Brother Forster committed suicide before contesting his charges in Court. Another known offender, Brother Ross Francis Murrin, was involved also with allegations of sexual abuse from past students of the School in the late 1970s and early 1980s. These allegations where looked at by the Royal Commission in Case Study No. 4, where it indicated that the school administration and the Provincial for the Marist Brothers (at the time) knew of what Brother Murrin’s behaviour but allowed him to remain within the Order and was transferred later to other schools. Brother Murrin went on to sexually abuse other students at other Marist Brothers schools in New South Wales and was convicted in 2008, 2010 and 2018 over offences dealing with child sexual abuse at two Marist schools in Sydney.

Moody Law has in the past and is currently representing clients who have been sexually abused by members of the Marist Brothers.

We invite former students, teachers and parents to tell us confidentially what information they may have, and we will explain what options are available to help with these cases.

Call us or complete the confidential enquiry form below.